We know you’re probably used to our Black Friday sales starting at the end of November, but this year we’re starting early to give you time and flexibility.
30% off sitewide sale on now.
Normally, doing your Black Friday shopping on the 26th November gives you plenty of time for orders to be fulfilled and delivered to your door in time for Christmas. However, you may have noticed that parcels are arriving later and later. This is because there is a global supply chain crisis causing significant shipping delays. Black Friday is also one of our busiest times of the year, meaning that fulfilling orders takes a bit longer than usual.
This is why we’re starting our sale early!
While we know how frustrating having deliveries delayed is, unfortunately it’s something that’s out of our control. What we can do is give you extra time to shop our sale and receive your parcels.
Rather than jamming everyone’s Black Friday orders into one weekend, we’re stretching it out across November and giving you the flexibility to shop when it suits you.
For complete transparency, we won’t be changing our Black Friday promotion throughout November, so you don’t have to worry about missing out on a better price if you shop early.
We predict that most people will be getting into the sale early to avoid late deliveries, so we recommend shopping our sale soon to avoid products going out of stock. If you leave your Christmas shopping till the end of November, you might not see your silk pillowcases until the early new year.
So don’t wait for Black Friday and shop our sale now!