Not only has Lilly designed this amazing artwork, but there is much more meaning behind it. From a very young age, Lilly has ‘always lived by the ocean and cared for the wildlife’.
However, this beautiful part of nature is under threat of plastic pollution, overfishing and habitat destruction. Upon creating this silk duvet set for you, Lilly and Shhh Silk decided to take action to and donate some 10% of the proceeds to Sea Shepperd.
Sea Shepherd Australia is a non-profit conservation organisation whose mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.
Lilly has always had an appreciation for the environment and has been heavily influenced by Sir David Attenborough’s quote.
"Instead of controlling the environment for the benefit of the population, maybe we should control the population to ensure the survival of our environment."
Of all the many issues that Lilly is passionate about, she believes that ‘the ocean doesn’t get enough attention… the environment and animals don’t have a voice and are often overlooked.’ Her passion to bring attention to this cause started in a uni assignment in which she ‘created a coral reef with a hand cut out of it’. She has taken inspiration from this artwork and expanded on it to create a duvet set the Shhh Silk customers would love.
In addition to bringing attention to this cause, Lilly wanted to create a duvet set that transforms peoples views. She says that ‘plastic pollution and overfishing is a dark and negative topic… I wanted to do the opposite and make it bright and colourful to evoke the emotion of love for the ocean rather than despair for it.’ You can’t go wrong with this a pattern of sea life made up of pinks and blues. I mean sleep in this duvet set and you’re basically Ariel from The Little Mermaid. What more could you want?
This has obviously been an amazing opportunity for Lilly to produce something special for our Silk Squad as well as supporting a cause she is passionate about. She hopes to ‘open peoples eyes or at least open the dialogue in their homes about oceans and conservation. I hope that people can fall in love with this duvet set and if it being there in their home can start even one conversation about it, I’d be happy’.
Unfortunately, the For Our Oceans Duvet Set is a limited edition, with only 50 sets available. Be quick to take part in helping Sea Shepperd and transform your bedroom into an underwater paradise! But keep your eye’s peeled as Lilly has hinted that she ‘would love to be part of other collaborations’ if given the opportunity.
If you would like to learn more about Sea Shepperd and the incredible work that they do visit Sea Shepherd. They have a range of merchandise and opportunities to get involved to support our oceans.