When Shhh Silk started in 2015, we wanted to create a luxurious experience that improves people’s hair, skin and sleep. However, what we came to learn is that for people battling cancer, sleeping on silk means so much more.

For the majority of the brave individuals fighting cancer, hair loss is an unfortunate side effect. Many people who have gone through this have reach out to us explained how much sleeping on silk helped them through their hair falling out and growing back.
Because a silk pillowcase allows hair to glide across the pillow, it prevents fragile hair from breaking or falling out. Not only is silk gentle on scalps which have lost hair, but it also nurtures new hair growth. We’ve also had cancer patients explain to us how having their silk pillowcase in the hospital brought them comfort as it was a physical reminder of home.
Cancer Chicks
We have supported many cancer warriors during their battle, including Cancer Chicks which is an Australian Community which supports women battling cancer in their 20s and 30. It was founded by Rikki Stern, who realised while fighting Hodgkin’s Lymphoma that there was little support for young women fighting cancer. Rikki created Cancer Chicks and the support group now has over 370 young women battling cancer. Cancer chicks sent some of its young members on a retreat to help them take a break from their everyday hardships. Knowing how meaningful silk can be for cancer patients, Shhh Silk was of course more than happy to donate some product to these girls. We were so overjoyed to see these beautiful ladies with our product.
From Me 2 U
We also are so please to be stocked in From Me 2 U gift boxes. From Me 2 You was created by Belinda, who during her battle with cancer realised many of her friends and family wanted to send her gifts to show their support but were often unsure of what gift to give. Belinda then created From Me 2 U, which creates beautiful hampers curated with practical gifts that she found made her cancer journey easier. Along with other beautiful gifts, she includes a Shhh Silk pillowcase for hair loss and a silk filled eye mask to sleep during the day or through treatments.
While we’ve always known the power of silk, we never imagined how much of an impact silk could have on cancer warriors. We are so humbled that we have been able to play a small role in making this difficult journey a little bit easier.